Riley convinces Declan to stop Leo from sacrificing himself and instead go to stop Zarc. While he attacks, Crow notices how much Zarc does not want to lose and points this fact to Z-ARC, who starts to lose his composure as Crow is finally able to inflict some damage onto Zarc. When Sylvio performs a Pendulum Summon, Zarc summons Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes. Sylvio manages to force Zarc into a defensive position, but he fails to destroy the Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes because Zarc is using the monsters he has destroyed to protect it. With the combination of his trap card and Odd-Eyes' effect, Zarc defeats Crow and Sylvio. As the dimensional integration nears its completion, Leo intrudes in the duel, which is followed by Declan. Unfortunately, before Leo can use the four Natural Energy cards necessary to defeat Zarc, Zarc uses a trap card to destroy it together with Leo. In the main core of Arc-V, Riley finally meets Ray face-to-face.